Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
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(7)A Skerrett Pye is made the same way as the last only you may put some Artychoak bottoms and sweet breads to them An Arty-Choak Pye. Slice your Artychoak bottoms very thin and slice four Vail Sweet breads and season them with Nutmeg Mace and a little Salt. lay your Artychoaks in your Dish then throw on Some Ston'd Raisins Currants blanch'd Almonds and Candy'd Lemon then lay in your sweet breads and then lay in the rest of your things till your Pye be full and lay a good deal of fresh butter over it and cover it with Puff Paste and when it is back'd Put into it some Sack and Send it to Table.
(7)A Skerrett Pye is made the same way as the last only you may put some Artychoak bottoms and sweet breads to them An Arty-Choak Pye. Slice your Artychoak bottoms very thin and slice four Vail Sweet breads and season them with Nutmeg Mace and a little Salt. lay your Artychoaks in your Dish then throw on Some Ston'd Raisins Currants blanch'd Almonds and Candy'd Lemon then lay in your sweet breads and then lay in the rest of your things till your Pye be full and lay a good deal of fresh butter over it and cover it with Puff Paste and when it is back'd Put into it some Sack and Send it to Table.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks