Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 29
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(29) Catchup and Anchoveys some oysters and their Liquor. work a little butter in it and boil it in it Just to thicken it then beat up nine Eggs with a little of the liquor and pour them into your pan Just as you take it of the fire. Rub your Dish with a shallad and put your meat in it and pour on your liquor haveing first Strain'd it clear from the herbs &c. Garnish your Dish with forc'd meat-balls fry'd Oysters and Slic'd Lemon A Calves Head Hash. Boil a Calves Head tender as for Eating with Bacon. divide it into two Score the one Half of it a Cross and Rub it over with yolks of Eggs and throw a little grated bread over it a little
(29) Catchup and Anchoveys some oysters and their Liquor. work a little butter in it and boil it in it Just to thicken it then beat up nine Eggs with a little of the liquor and pour them into your pan Just as you take it of the fire. Rub your Dish with a shallad and put your meat in it and pour on your liquor haveing first Strain'd it clear from the herbs &c. Garnish your Dish with forc'd meat-balls fry'd Oysters and Slic'd Lemon A Calves Head Hash. Boil a Calves Head tender as for Eating with Bacon. divide it into two Score the one Half of it a Cross and Rub it over with yolks of Eggs and throw a little grated bread over it a little
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks