Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
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(50) garnish your dish with fry'd Oysters and Capers. NB You may thicken it with the meat of Crabbs Instead of Pease. A French Soop Take a leg of Beef, a Knuckle of Veal and an Old Cock, and boil them Very tender. Strain the Liquor from them and to a gallon of liquor put a pint of White pease boild very tender and let it boil half an hour longer then put in half a pound of Lean Bacon, as much pepper as will lye upon a shilling. some blades of mace, make up some forc'd meat balls, and fry them brown. half Roast a Duck and put it into your Soop and let it =
(50) garnish your dish with fry'd Oysters and Capers. NB You may thicken it with the meat of Crabbs Instead of Pease. A French Soop Take a leg of Beef, a Knuckle of Veal and an Old Cock, and boil them Very tender. Strain the Liquor from them and to a gallon of liquor put a pint of White pease boild very tender and let it boil half an hour longer then put in half a pound of Lean Bacon, as much pepper as will lye upon a shilling. some blades of mace, make up some forc'd meat balls, and fry them brown. half Roast a Duck and put it into your Soop and let it =
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks