Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 92
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92 three spoonfulls of good barm, beaten very well With six Spoonfulls of Syrop of Lemon, and the Juice of one, Stir all very well together and pour it Upon two gallons of Cowslips, Well pick'd and bruis'd in a Morter, and let them work two or three days, then Strain it Clear off, and put it into a Cask that will be full, and as soon as it hath done Working Stop it up Close for three weeks, and then bottle it off With a lump of Sugar in Each bottle and Cork them Well. To Make Orange Wine Take six Gallons of Spring Water, twelve pounds of Lump Sugar, the Whites of four Eggs Well beaten, and put them into the water -
92 three spoonfulls of good barm, beaten very well With six Spoonfulls of Syrop of Lemon, and the Juice of one, Stir all very well together and pour it Upon two gallons of Cowslips, Well pick'd and bruis'd in a Morter, and let them work two or three days, then Strain it Clear off, and put it into a Cask that will be full, and as soon as it hath done Working Stop it up Close for three weeks, and then bottle it off With a lump of Sugar in Each bottle and Cork them Well. To Make Orange Wine Take six Gallons of Spring Water, twelve pounds of Lump Sugar, the Whites of four Eggs Well beaten, and put them into the water -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks