Miss Caldwell's book, 1757-1790
Page 96
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(96) a Tub with a little barm put in a few bay Leaves and a Sprig of Rosemary and a Lemon Peel To Make Curran Wine Take of the best and Ripest Currans twenty four pounds put them into a Tub with three quarts of fair Water and bruise them very Well in it, then Strain it through a Hair Sieve into another Tub, and put to it three pound of Powder Sugar. Stir it together that it may be well mix'd, then put it into a Cask, and as it works you must have a Reserve to fill it up, and when it has done Working stop it up close, and in two Months it will be fitt for drinking
(96) a Tub with a little barm put in a few bay Leaves and a Sprig of Rosemary and a Lemon Peel To Make Curran Wine Take of the best and Ripest Currans twenty four pounds put them into a Tub with three quarts of fair Water and bruise them very Well in it, then Strain it through a Hair Sieve into another Tub, and put to it three pound of Powder Sugar. Stir it together that it may be well mix'd, then put it into a Cask, and as it works you must have a Reserve to fill it up, and when it has done Working stop it up close, and in two Months it will be fitt for drinking
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks