Edward Kidder cookbook, ca. 1700
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A Chicken Pye Take 6 small chickens & roul up a piece of butter in sweet spice & put it into ym. yn. season them & lay ym. in ye. pye wth. ye. marrow of 2 bones rould up in ye. batter of eggs wth. preserves as ye. lamb pye & a caudle Mincd Pyes. Shred a pd. of neats tongue per boyle wth. 2 pd. of beef suet 5 pippens a green lemon piele season it. wth. an ounce of sweet spice a pd. of sugar 2 pd. of currants 1/2 a pt. of sack a little orange flower water ye. juice of 3 lemons a quarter of a pd. of cittron lemon & orange piele mix these together & fill ye. pyes Egg pyes Shred ye. yolks of 20 hard eggs wth. cittron & lemon piele season it wth. sweet spice yn. mix it wth. a qt. of custard stuff ready made gather it to a body over ye. fier yo. pyes
A Chicken Pye Take 6 small chickens & roul up a piece of butter in sweet spice & put it into ym. yn. season them & lay ym. in ye. pye wth. ye. marrow of 2 bones rould up in ye. batter of eggs wth. preserves as ye. lamb pye & a caudle Mincd Pyes. Shred a pd. of neats tongue per boyle wth. 2 pd. of beef suet 5 pippens a green lemon piele season it. wth. an ounce of sweet spice a pd. of sugar 2 pd. of currants 1/2 a pt. of sack a little orange flower water ye. juice of 3 lemons a quarter of a pd. of cittron lemon & orange piele mix these together & fill ye. pyes Egg pyes Shred ye. yolks of 20 hard eggs wth. cittron & lemon piele season it wth. sweet spice yn. mix it wth. a qt. of custard stuff ready made gather it to a body over ye. fier yo. pyes
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks