Edward Kidder cookbook, ca. 1700
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Cold Pye. A Veal Pye. Raise an high round pye yn. cut a fillet of veal into 3 or 4 fillets season it wth. savory spice a little mincd sage & sweet herbs lay it in ye. pye wth. slices of bacon at ye. bottom & between each piece lay on butter & close ye. pye wn. tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth. clarrifide butter A Swan Pye Skin & bone yor. swan lard yt. wth. bacon & season yt. wth. savory spice & a few bay leaves powderd lay it in ye. pye stick it wth. cloves lay on butter & close ye. pye wn. tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth. clarrifide butter A Turkey Pye. Bone yor. turkey season it wth. savory spice & lay it in ye. pye wth. capons or 2 wild ducks
Cold Pye. A Veal Pye. Raise an high round pye yn. cut a fillet of veal into 3 or 4 fillets season it wth. savory spice a little mincd sage & sweet herbs lay it in ye. pye wth. slices of bacon at ye. bottom & between each piece lay on butter & close ye. pye wn. tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth. clarrifide butter A Swan Pye Skin & bone yor. swan lard yt. wth. bacon & season yt. wth. savory spice & a few bay leaves powderd lay it in ye. pye stick it wth. cloves lay on butter & close ye. pye wn. tis bakd & half cold fill it up wth. clarrifide butter A Turkey Pye. Bone yor. turkey season it wth. savory spice & lay it in ye. pye wth. capons or 2 wild ducks
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks