Edward Kidder cookbook, ca. 1700
Page 46
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Thin wn. tis cold & toss it up in a fine ragooe Veal Ala mode Take a good fillet of veal interlarded as ye. beef ad to ye. stewing of it a little white wine wn. tis cold you may slice it out thin & toss it up in a ragooe of mushrooms A Ponpetone Take a fillet of veal mince it wth. ye. same quantity of beef suet beat it wth. an egg or 2 to bind it season it wth. savory spice make it into ye. form of a thick round pye & fill it thus lay in thin slices of bacon squob pidgeons slicd sweetbreads tops of aspairagas mushrooms yolks of hard eggs ye. tender ends of shiverd pallats & cocks combs boyld blanchd & slicd
Thin wn. tis cold & toss it up in a fine ragooe Veal Ala mode Take a good fillet of veal interlarded as ye. beef ad to ye. stewing of it a little white wine wn. tis cold you may slice it out thin & toss it up in a ragooe of mushrooms A Ponpetone Take a fillet of veal mince it wth. ye. same quantity of beef suet beat it wth. an egg or 2 to bind it season it wth. savory spice make it into ye. form of a thick round pye & fill it thus lay in thin slices of bacon squob pidgeons slicd sweetbreads tops of aspairagas mushrooms yolks of hard eggs ye. tender ends of shiverd pallats & cocks combs boyld blanchd & slicd
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks