Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
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(27) To make oring marmalett very fine Take 2 dozen of pared Sevill oringes pill of all the outer rind & throw it away. then take the meat & cut it in peices & besure to put in none of the pipins nor coare but put in the juice. then put to it 2 pound of doublerefined sugar & set it on the fire, shred, some out of the outer rind of your oring very small & put it in so let it boile very softly untill it will jelly. then put it into your potts or glasses To make another sort of oring marmalett with pipins take a pound of the pulp of pipins & a quarter of a pound of the rind of your oring boiled very tender & shred small put them put them into your pan & set it on the fire & let it be very warm. then put to it one pound & a quarter of double refined sugar. bet & put thro your wier seive. then boile it very well & put to it a little juice of oring so put it into your potts or glasses. it is much better to boile your oring pill in sugar before you put it in. - J.
(27) To make oring marmalett very fine Take 2 dozen of pared Sevill oringes pill of all the outer rind & throw it away. then take the meat & cut it in peices & besure to put in none of the pipins nor coare but put in the juice. then put to it 2 pound of doublerefined sugar & set it on the fire, shred, some out of the outer rind of your oring very small & put it in so let it boile very softly untill it will jelly. then put it into your potts or glasses To make another sort of oring marmalett with pipins take a pound of the pulp of pipins & a quarter of a pound of the rind of your oring boiled very tender & shred small put them put them into your pan & set it on the fire & let it be very warm. then put to it one pound & a quarter of double refined sugar. bet & put thro your wier seive. then boile it very well & put to it a little juice of oring so put it into your potts or glasses. it is much better to boile your oring pill in sugar before you put it in. - J.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks