Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 39
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(39) To make clearecake of Goosberries Take your goosberrys when they are large but not ripe & pickle them take what quantity you please & put them into a cleane brasse pan. & as much water as will cover them & when they are boiled very well & Jelly then take them of the fire & stir them very well & then power them into your Jelly bag & let all the Jelly run out into a pankin. then weigh your Jelly & put it into your pan & heat it very well & to every pound of Jelly you must put a pound of double refined sugar [bett?] & put thro your wier seive & when your Jelly is hot then put in all your sugar & stir it well in then take it up into your pots & glasses but fill them but about halfe full & set them into your stove to dry but your stove must not be overhot for feare it will melt the Candy at the top. wither let it be without fire. & when the top is dried turne them on your glasses & cut them in halfes or quarters or lesse peices you need not cut them that are in little round glasses. & if you have a mind to have them rid you must colour them with a little Carmine. when you take of your pan you must mix your Carmine with a little water & put it thro a Cloath & then dip in your cloath to your cleare cake & squeeze out all the Coloar thin. give them a heat then fill your glasses. you must make them very pale coloured for they dry much deeper.
(39) To make clearecake of Goosberries Take your goosberrys when they are large but not ripe & pickle them take what quantity you please & put them into a cleane brasse pan. & as much water as will cover them & when they are boiled very well & Jelly then take them of the fire & stir them very well & then power them into your Jelly bag & let all the Jelly run out into a pankin. then weigh your Jelly & put it into your pan & heat it very well & to every pound of Jelly you must put a pound of double refined sugar [bett?] & put thro your wier seive & when your Jelly is hot then put in all your sugar & stir it well in then take it up into your pots & glasses but fill them but about halfe full & set them into your stove to dry but your stove must not be overhot for feare it will melt the Candy at the top. wither let it be without fire. & when the top is dried turne them on your glasses & cut them in halfes or quarters or lesse peices you need not cut them that are in little round glasses. & if you have a mind to have them rid you must colour them with a little Carmine. when you take of your pan you must mix your Carmine with a little water & put it thro a Cloath & then dip in your cloath to your cleare cake & squeeze out all the Coloar thin. give them a heat then fill your glasses. you must make them very pale coloured for they dry much deeper.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks