Anne Bayne booke [of recipes] circa 1700
Page 68
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(68) To preserve quinches Take your quinches & cut a round hole at the top & with a pen knife take out all the seeds & Coare then pare them & take out all the speks. some you may doe whole & some in halfes & some in quarters. boile your parings & Coares in water & to every pound of quinch put a pound & a quarter of sugar either loafe or double refined. & a pint of this water to every pound & a quarter of sugar set your water & sugar on to boile & skim it [cleane?] then put in your quinches & let them hang over a very slow fire. almost a [whole?] day or till they looke rid & clear. which if they doe not in one day set them on the next day. then take them up into your pots.
(68) To preserve quinches Take your quinches & cut a round hole at the top & with a pen knife take out all the seeds & Coare then pare them & take out all the speks. some you may doe whole & some in halfes & some in quarters. boile your parings & Coares in water & to every pound of quinch put a pound & a quarter of sugar either loafe or double refined. & a pint of this water to every pound & a quarter of sugar set your water & sugar on to boile & skim it [cleane?] then put in your quinches & let them hang over a very slow fire. almost a [whole?] day or till they looke rid & clear. which if they doe not in one day set them on the next day. then take them up into your pots.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks