English cookbook, 1750-1780
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To Make Lemon Cream Take 1/2 a pint of watter & 1/2 a pound of doble refined suger boyle it to a preaty thick surrop lett it cold y.n take 6 spoonfullof y.e juce of lemons & y.e whits of 4 eggs well beaten put all over y.e fire till it be thick as cream Steep y.e peell in y.e juce an hour or you may make it thus peall 5 or 6 lemons put some of y.e peel in to a pint of watter & lett it stand an hour y.n squees y.e juce of y.e lemons in it sweeten it to your taist stir it well to gether & put throw a jelly bag w.t y.e whits of 6 eggs beaten to a froth y.n keep stiring it over y.e fire till it be thick as cream To Make y.e Yollow Lemon Cream Take some quantity as above mentioned only thick in it with y.e yolks of 2 or 3 eggs & y.e whits of 4 eggs.
To Make Lemon Cream Take 1/2 a pint of watter & 1/2 a pound of doble refined suger boyle it to a preaty thick surrop lett it cold y.n take 6 spoonfullof y.e juce of lemons & y.e whits of 4 eggs well beaten put all over y.e fire till it be thick as cream Steep y.e peell in y.e juce an hour or you may make it thus peall 5 or 6 lemons put some of y.e peel in to a pint of watter & lett it stand an hour y.n squees y.e juce of y.e lemons in it sweeten it to your taist stir it well to gether & put throw a jelly bag w.t y.e whits of 6 eggs beaten to a froth y.n keep stiring it over y.e fire till it be thick as cream To Make y.e Yollow Lemon Cream Take some quantity as above mentioned only thick in it with y.e yolks of 2 or 3 eggs & y.e whits of 4 eggs.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks