English cookbook, 1750-1780
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To Make Haire Pye. Take y.e flesh of a very large hare & beat it in a morter w.t half as much marrow or butter as y.e hare conteins to, y.n put in a quarter of a pound of bakon cut very small & mix w.t 2 or 3 anchoves minced fine seasine it w.t paper salt, cloves, & mace to your taist y.n have your pye ready & lay in some butter & y.n your meat & y.n some long & square pieces of bakon y.n more meat so do till all is in y.n lay butter butt be sure you lay a row of meat up or most it will take 2 hours bakeing. To Make Veal Pystes to Frie Take y.e cold kidny of a line of veal rosted shred it very fine put to it greated bread one nutmeg a little salt a few beaten allmonds a little cream & suger mix thees together & put in to a good paist fry y.m w.t sweet butter you may add some curronds if you like y.m in.
To Make Haire Pye. Take y.e flesh of a very large hare & beat it in a morter w.t half as much marrow or butter as y.e hare conteins to, y.n put in a quarter of a pound of bakon cut very small & mix w.t 2 or 3 anchoves minced fine seasine it w.t paper salt, cloves, & mace to your taist y.n have your pye ready & lay in some butter & y.n your meat & y.n some long & square pieces of bakon y.n more meat so do till all is in y.n lay butter butt be sure you lay a row of meat up or most it will take 2 hours bakeing. To Make Veal Pystes to Frie Take y.e cold kidny of a line of veal rosted shred it very fine put to it greated bread one nutmeg a little salt a few beaten allmonds a little cream & suger mix thees together & put in to a good paist fry y.m w.t sweet butter you may add some curronds if you like y.m in.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks