English cookbook, 1750-1780
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To Make Rasberry Wine Take 24 Lb of Rasberrys and 10 Lb of Currants Bruise them Small put them 24 Quarts of Cold Water which hath Been Boild and Let it Stand 24 Hours after that Strain it Dry and to Every Gallon of Liquor put 3 Lb of Sugar put it in a Barrell That it will Fill and after 6 Months Bottle it off if you please you may put in a Quart of Brandy in ye Barrell --
To Make Rasberry Wine Take 24 Lb of Rasberrys and 10 Lb of Currants Bruise them Small put them 24 Quarts of Cold Water which hath Been Boild and Let it Stand 24 Hours after that Strain it Dry and to Every Gallon of Liquor put 3 Lb of Sugar put it in a Barrell That it will Fill and after 6 Months Bottle it off if you please you may put in a Quart of Brandy in ye Barrell --
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks