English cookbook, 1750-1780
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An Excellent Plumb Pudding One Pound of Suet the Same of Currants the Same of Raisins Ston'd - the Yolks of Eight Eggs the Whites of four the Crumb of a penny Loaf grated, one pound flour half a Nutmeg, Tea Spoonfull of Ginger Little Salt Small Glass of brandy, beat the Eggs first mix them with Some Milk by degrees add the flour & other ingredients and what more milk may be Necessary & must be very thick & Well Stirred boil it five hour Mrs E A very good Common Pudding Pound of Currqant Pound of Suet five Eggs four Spoonfull of flour half a Nutmeg Tea Spoonful of Ginger, Little powder Sugar a Little Salt boil this three hours Mrs E
An Excellent Plumb Pudding One Pound of Suet the Same of Currants the Same of Raisins Ston'd - the Yolks of Eight Eggs the Whites of four the Crumb of a penny Loaf grated, one pound flour half a Nutmeg, Tea Spoonfull of Ginger Little Salt Small Glass of brandy, beat the Eggs first mix them with Some Milk by degrees add the flour & other ingredients and what more milk may be Necessary & must be very thick & Well Stirred boil it five hour Mrs E A very good Common Pudding Pound of Currqant Pound of Suet five Eggs four Spoonfull of flour half a Nutmeg Tea Spoonful of Ginger, Little powder Sugar a Little Salt boil this three hours Mrs E
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks