Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 2, 1854-1894
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State of North Carolina } Mecklenburg County Personally appeared before me JM. Morrow Clerk of the Superior Court in and for the County and State of aforesaid, Robt E. Cochrane who being duly sworn says, That he is manager of the Charlotte Real Estate Agency and that the foregoing is a full true & perfect copy of the Agreement made on the __ day of __ 1886 between Frederick C Durant Exr of Chas W. Durant and William W Durant Administrator of Thos. C Durant, and now on file in his office in Charlotte N.C. Sworn to & Subscribed before me this 25 day of Nov 1887. J M Morrow Clerk Supr Court.} R E Cochrane
State of North Carolina } Mecklenburg County Personally appeared before me JM. Morrow Clerk of the Superior Court in and for the County and State of aforesaid, Robt E. Cochrane who being duly sworn says, That he is manager of the Charlotte Real Estate Agency and that the foregoing is a full true & perfect copy of the Agreement made on the __ day of __ 1886 between Frederick C Durant Exr of Chas W. Durant and William W Durant Administrator of Thos. C Durant, and now on file in his office in Charlotte N.C. Sworn to & Subscribed before me this 25 day of Nov 1887. J M Morrow Clerk Supr Court.} R E Cochrane
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