Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 2, 1854-1894
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R. E. Cochrane. Chas. R. Jones. Office of Charlotte Real Estate Agency R.E. Cochrane, Manager Charlotte, N. C., Sept 14th 1886 William W Durant 20 Nassau St Dear Sir I wrote you on the 18th of Aug enclosing you a paper which I asked you to have signed as indicated in the paper. I thought it more than likely that it would be delayed on account of some of the parties being absent at summer [resorts?] - trusting that they have returned we now ask that you give the matter attention as soon as possible. Suit for the recovery of the land will be [commenced?] on next monday and it is important that we have this paper -- you will oblige by giving it attention as speedly as possible Yrs Truly R.E. Cochrane
R. E. Cochrane. Chas. R. Jones. Office of Charlotte Real Estate Agency R.E. Cochrane, Manager Charlotte, N. C., Sept 14th 1886 William W Durant 20 Nassau St Dear Sir I wrote you on the 18th of Aug enclosing you a paper which I asked you to have signed as indicated in the paper. I thought it more than likely that it would be delayed on account of some of the parties being absent at summer [resorts?] - trusting that they have returned we now ask that you give the matter attention as soon as possible. Suit for the recovery of the land will be [commenced?] on next monday and it is important that we have this paper -- you will oblige by giving it attention as speedly as possible Yrs Truly R.E. Cochrane
Building the Transcontinental Railroad