Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 2, 1854-1894
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COPY. January 27h, 1894. Messrs. Otterbourg, Jenks & Springs, 280 Broadway, New York City. Gentlemen:- Your favors, the last dated the 2nd of January, 1894, in which you ask me to execute a power of attorney to R. E. Cochrane, of Charlotte, North Carolina, were duly received, but, owing to absence, illness and other reasons, I have not been able to answer them before now. I see no reason why I should not execute a power of attorney to Mr. Cochrane, so far as any interest I may have in the North Carolina mining property is concerned; but I can only lay the matter before my Mother, and forward a power of attorney to her and to my sister, Mrs. Frethey, leaving it for them to do as they think best in the matter; but, before doing anything, I would like to have a statement as to what benefit is to be derived by those whom you desire to execute the power of attorney. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. West Durant.
COPY. January 27h, 1894. Messrs. Otterbourg, Jenks & Springs, 280 Broadway, New York City. Gentlemen:- Your favors, the last dated the 2nd of January, 1894, in which you ask me to execute a power of attorney to R. E. Cochrane, of Charlotte, North Carolina, were duly received, but, owing to absence, illness and other reasons, I have not been able to answer them before now. I see no reason why I should not execute a power of attorney to Mr. Cochrane, so far as any interest I may have in the North Carolina mining property is concerned; but I can only lay the matter before my Mother, and forward a power of attorney to her and to my sister, Mrs. Frethey, leaving it for them to do as they think best in the matter; but, before doing anything, I would like to have a statement as to what benefit is to be derived by those whom you desire to execute the power of attorney. Yours very truly, (Signed) W. West Durant.
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