Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 2, 1854-1894
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Mr. S:— As I understand it it is a parcel of land and they only selling off a portion of it, and out of the proceeds, after the expenses are deducted, you are to receive one-half. Mr. D: —But there is no knowing what the expenses will be— Mr.S:— Well I will try to get as full a statement of the facts as possible -- Mr.D:— Well let them make such a statement as will do to give to the heirs of T.C. Durant, and it will be submitted to my sister's lawyer and mine. Of course I can only act for myself in the matter as you understand. You will still have to see my sister or her lawyer-- Mr. S: Certainly, certainly, I will get just as full a statement of the facts as possible, but if there is anything further that you need to know, will you notify us, that is all. Col. Jones and Mr. Cochrane are the only parties who ever told me any thing about it. Mr. Cochrane is a very conscientious man— Mr.D:— Oh, I don't question that in the least, but what I want is to have the facts so stated that any one in the world can under- what it is, and what it's all about. With this the interview ended, and Mr.Spring took his leave. This is a correct report, of the interview, as taken down in shorthand by me. Eva F. Riggs
Mr. S:— As I understand it it is a parcel of land and they only selling off a portion of it, and out of the proceeds, after the expenses are deducted, you are to receive one-half. Mr. D: —But there is no knowing what the expenses will be— Mr.S:— Well I will try to get as full a statement of the facts as possible -- Mr.D:— Well let them make such a statement as will do to give to the heirs of T.C. Durant, and it will be submitted to my sister's lawyer and mine. Of course I can only act for myself in the matter as you understand. You will still have to see my sister or her lawyer-- Mr. S: Certainly, certainly, I will get just as full a statement of the facts as possible, but if there is anything further that you need to know, will you notify us, that is all. Col. Jones and Mr. Cochrane are the only parties who ever told me any thing about it. Mr. Cochrane is a very conscientious man— Mr.D:— Oh, I don't question that in the least, but what I want is to have the facts so stated that any one in the world can under- what it is, and what it's all about. With this the interview ended, and Mr.Spring took his leave. This is a correct report, of the interview, as taken down in shorthand by me. Eva F. Riggs
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