Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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thence South 83 East 34 poles to two White Oaks. Thence South 71 East 48 poles to a Gum in a glade formerly [Carlock's?] Corner, Thence North 68 East 26 poles, to a Bunch of Ash, formerly [Carlock's?] Corner, on said Creek, thence down the creek, [allining?] the [channel?] to be the line, to the Beginning, containing by [survey?] one Hundred & forty four acres, be the same more or less [lining?] the [Long?] Tract, as [conveyed?] to said Cabb & George L. Phifer, by Deed of this date for the con- sideration of Three Thousand dollars: one tract Beginning at a stake on formerly [Russells?] line, now [illegible]. Thence with his line South 24 East 70 poles to a small Black oak. Thence South 20 West 18 poles to a Pine, Thence north 81 West 120 poles, to a Post oak, Thence north [91?] East 80 poles to a large Pine, thence North 85 West 40 poles to a stake, thence North 10 W. 24 poles, to a Black Oak in the old line, thence with the division line of the Mary Harris Tract North 80 East 52 poles to a Pine, Thence South 74 East 54 poles to a Post oak, Thence South 40 East 8 poles to a Post oak near the Creek, Thence north 15 East 14 poles croping the Creek to a White oak on the Bank of the creek, Thence with the various curves of the creek to the Beginning, containing one Hundred & Twenty five acres more [or less?]; one Tract Beginning at a small Post oak, Saul W. [Rodgers?] corner, & runs North 81 West 29 [chains?] to a stake. Jacob [Long's?], corner Thence with his line south 4 W. 21 [chains?] & 50 [illegible] to a stake between two Black oaks, [Long's?] other corner, Thence with his line [south?] [62?] West 15 [chains?] to a stake on [Long's?] line, Thence south 85 East 34 chains & 50 [birch?] to a Hickory in [Saul?] W. [Rodgers?] line, Thence with his line north 17 East 27 [chains?] & 50 [illegible] to the beginning, containing seventy five acres [more or less?]; one Tract on or [near?] the Waters of Goose Creek, Beginning at a Pine in [illegible] [illegible] line, Thence South 32 West 12 poles to a Pine, [illegible] corner, Thence with his line South 39 East 94 poles to a Pine, Thence South 35 West 88 poles to a maple, near a Branch, Thence North 37 West 58 poles to a Black oak, Thence South 52 W. (insert: 57 [illegible] to a Post Oak, Thence [illegible] West) 48 poles to a Black Oak (Gum) a stake in its [plan?], thence with 44 West 28 poles to
thence South 83 East 34 poles to two White Oaks. Thence South 71 East 48 poles to a Gum in a glade formerly [Carlock's?] Corner, Thence North 68 East 26 poles, to a Bunch of Ash, formerly [Carlock's?] Corner, on said Creek, thence down the creek, [allining?] the [channel?] to be the line, to the Beginning, containing by [survey?] one Hundred & forty four acres, be the same more or less [lining?] the [Long?] Tract, as [conveyed?] to said Cabb & George L. Phifer, by Deed of this date for the con- sideration of Three Thousand dollars: one tract Beginning at a stake on formerly [Russells?] line, now [illegible]. Thence with his line South 24 East 70 poles to a small Black oak. Thence South 20 West 18 poles to a Pine, Thence north 81 West 120 poles, to a Post oak, Thence north [91?] East 80 poles to a large Pine, thence North 85 West 40 poles to a stake, thence North 10 W. 24 poles, to a Black Oak in the old line, thence with the division line of the Mary Harris Tract North 80 East 52 poles to a Pine, Thence South 74 East 54 poles to a Post oak, Thence South 40 East 8 poles to a Post oak near the Creek, Thence north 15 East 14 poles croping the Creek to a White oak on the Bank of the creek, Thence with the various curves of the creek to the Beginning, containing one Hundred & Twenty five acres more [or less?]; one Tract Beginning at a small Post oak, Saul W. [Rodgers?] corner, & runs North 81 West 29 [chains?] to a stake. Jacob [Long's?], corner Thence with his line south 4 W. 21 [chains?] & 50 [illegible] to a stake between two Black oaks, [Long's?] other corner, Thence with his line [south?] [62?] West 15 [chains?] to a stake on [Long's?] line, Thence south 85 East 34 chains & 50 [birch?] to a Hickory in [Saul?] W. [Rodgers?] line, Thence with his line north 17 East 27 [chains?] & 50 [illegible] to the beginning, containing seventy five acres [more or less?]; one Tract on or [near?] the Waters of Goose Creek, Beginning at a Pine in [illegible] [illegible] line, Thence South 32 West 12 poles to a Pine, [illegible] corner, Thence with his line South 39 East 94 poles to a Pine, Thence South 35 West 88 poles to a maple, near a Branch, Thence North 37 West 58 poles to a Black oak, Thence South 52 W. (insert: 57 [illegible] to a Post Oak, Thence [illegible] West) 48 poles to a Black Oak (Gum) a stake in its [plan?], thence with 44 West 28 poles to
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