Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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3-1-30-22 claim on entry of all person whatsoever; and the said party of the first part further _____ and agree that they are seized in fee - simple of the right(?) - and ___ hereby arranged, and ___ the person to ___ and ___ such and ___ by this __, and ___ ___ the same by those ____, to the said party of the second part his heirs and assign as ___ for himself and his associates. The ______ on the 2nd page above the 2nd line from the bottom from ____ "57" to ____ "____" ___ before signing. In witness whereof the said party of the first part ___ herewith set their hands and ___: The day and date where(?) written Calib Phifer ****** HA Brantley, __.___ 27 March 1854 North Carolina Union County and then this deed with __ certificate thereon was duly registered in the Register's Office of Union County in Book no 4 page 193 (signed) ***** State of North Carolina Union County I certify that the Execution of this Deed was duly proved before me this 27th day of March 1854 by H.A. Brantley one of the subscribing ____________ thereto and was recorded let it be registered. M.M Steward(?)
3-1-30-22 claim on entry of all person whatsoever; and the said party of the first part further _____ and agree that they are seized in fee - simple of the right(?) - and ___ hereby arranged, and ___ the person to ___ and ___ such and ___ by this __, and ___ ___ the same by those ____, to the said party of the second part his heirs and assign as ___ for himself and his associates. The ______ on the 2nd page above the 2nd line from the bottom from ____ "57" to ____ "____" ___ before signing. In witness whereof the said party of the first part ___ herewith set their hands and ___: The day and date where(?) written Calib Phifer ****** HA Brantley, __.___ 27 March 1854 North Carolina Union County and then this deed with __ certificate thereon was duly registered in the Register's Office of Union County in Book no 4 page 193 (signed) ***** State of North Carolina Union County I certify that the Execution of this Deed was duly proved before me this 27th day of March 1854 by H.A. Brantley one of the subscribing ____________ thereto and was recorded let it be registered. M.M Steward(?)
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