Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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various courses of the creek in the beginning continuing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less -- Also the Mines, Minerals and Mineral interests, in, to and upon the following tract, piece and parcel of land Jacob Lury and others, Beginning at a small Post Oak, Samuel W. Rodgers corner, and runs North 81 West 29 chains to a stake Jacob Lurys corner, thence with his line South 4 W. 21 chains & 30 links to a stake between two Black Oaks Loop, other corner, thence with his line South 62 West 15 chains to a stake on Lurys line, thence South 85 East 32 chains and 50 links to a Hickory in Samuel W. Rodgers line, thence with his line North 17 East 27 chains and fifty links to the beginning, containing seventy five acres more or less -- Also the Mines, Minerals and Mineral interest in, to and upon the following tract, piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county of Union on the waters of Goose Creek, adjoining the lands of Samuel W. Rodgers, John Q. Lemmonds and others, and known as the Flow tract, Beginning at a pine in Burswell Muse line, thence with his line South 39 East 94 poles to a pine, thence South 35 West 88 poles to a Maple near a Branch, thence North 37 West 58 poles to a Black Oak, thence South 62 West 57 poles to a post oak, thence North 60 West 48 poles to a Black Oak (gone) a stone in its place, thence North 44 West 28 poles to a Post Oak, thence North 10 East 84 poles to a Hickory in Burr's line, thence with his line North 60 East 50 poles to a pine on Burr's corner, thence North 10 West 62 poles to an ashe near the great wall, thence South 54 East to the Beginning, continuing one hundred and eighty three
various courses of the creek in the beginning continuing one hundred and twenty five acres more or less -- Also the Mines, Minerals and Mineral interests, in, to and upon the following tract, piece and parcel of land Jacob Lury and others, Beginning at a small Post Oak, Samuel W. Rodgers corner, and runs North 81 West 29 chains to a stake Jacob Lurys corner, thence with his line South 4 W. 21 chains & 30 links to a stake between two Black Oaks Loop, other corner, thence with his line South 62 West 15 chains to a stake on Lurys line, thence South 85 East 32 chains and 50 links to a Hickory in Samuel W. Rodgers line, thence with his line North 17 East 27 chains and fifty links to the beginning, containing seventy five acres more or less -- Also the Mines, Minerals and Mineral interest in, to and upon the following tract, piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in said county of Union on the waters of Goose Creek, adjoining the lands of Samuel W. Rodgers, John Q. Lemmonds and others, and known as the Flow tract, Beginning at a pine in Burswell Muse line, thence with his line South 39 East 94 poles to a pine, thence South 35 West 88 poles to a Maple near a Branch, thence North 37 West 58 poles to a Black Oak, thence South 62 West 57 poles to a post oak, thence North 60 West 48 poles to a Black Oak (gone) a stone in its place, thence North 44 West 28 poles to a Post Oak, thence North 10 East 84 poles to a Hickory in Burr's line, thence with his line North 60 East 50 poles to a pine on Burr's corner, thence North 10 West 62 poles to an ashe near the great wall, thence South 54 East to the Beginning, continuing one hundred and eighty three
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