Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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This Indenture, Made this the Thirtieth day of June in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Four between Cyrun Q Lemmond, Jackson C Lemmond in their own right and Cyrus Q Lemmond and [Elam?] C [Stewart?] Executors of Silas P Stewart, [dec,d?] of the County of Union and State of North Carolina of the one part, and Charles Judson, William F. Durant, in trust for themselves, and Associates of the County and City of New York and State of New York of the other part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars, to the said party of the first part in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath sold and conveyed, and doth hereby sell and convey to the said party of the second part ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, lying in the County of Union and State of North Carolina bounded as follows, to wit: Lying on both sides of Goose Creek adjoining the Lands of Eli Stewart Amos Stevens and others being the tract of land on which the late Robert Lemmond lived at the time of his death Beginning at a small Black Oak Eli Stewart's Corner and runs with three of his lines due S 80 poles to an Elm in a Pond, thence S 20° W 60 poles to a P.O., thence S 45° E 82 poles to a small Hickory in a drain Archibald Porter's corner, thence with his line S 40 1/3° W 156 poles to a B.O. on G.W. [Riches?] line thence with three of his lines N 59° W 2 1/4 poles to a White Oak thence N 27° W 69 poles to a Hickory by the Road, thence at 8° E 4 poles to a Hickory (dead) thence S 89° W 198 poles to B.O, thence at 22° W 96 poles to a B.O., thence N 10° E 66 poles croping a Branch to a Pine, thence N 87° E 36 poles to a Hickory, thence N 1/2° # 112 poles croping the Creek to a small B.O., thence N 25° E 186 poles to a small Hickory near the Lawyers Road, thence down said Road, thence S 80° E 40 3/4 poles to a stump, thence S39° E 40 poles to a Post Oak on the head of a drain, thence S 63° E 22 poles to the Beginning Containing by [surrey? survey?] seven Hundred and Ninty three acres -- To have and to hold the same with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to them the said party of the second part their Heirs and Assigns forever. And the said part of the first part, for the consideration aforesaid, doth hereby covenant and agree to WARRANT and DEFEND the premises aforesaid, to the said party of the second part their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, against the claim and entry of all persons whatsoever, and they doth further covenant, that they are seized of the premises in fee simple, and hath power to make and convey such an estate by this Indenture, and hath done the same by these presents, to the said Charles Judson, William F. Durant in trust for themselves and their Associates IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part, hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Cyrus Q. Lemmond (seal) Jos. H Wilson Jackson C. Lemmond (seal) Eli Stewart Cyrus Q. Lemmond (seal) E. C. Stewart
This Indenture, Made this the Thirtieth day of June in the Year Eighteen Hundred and Fifty Four between Cyrun Q Lemmond, Jackson C Lemmond in their own right and Cyrus Q Lemmond and [Elam?] C [Stewart?] Executors of Silas P Stewart, [dec,d?] of the County of Union and State of North Carolina of the one part, and Charles Judson, William F. Durant, in trust for themselves, and Associates of the County and City of New York and State of New York of the other part: WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars, to the said party of the first part in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hath sold and conveyed, and doth hereby sell and convey to the said party of the second part ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, lying in the County of Union and State of North Carolina bounded as follows, to wit: Lying on both sides of Goose Creek adjoining the Lands of Eli Stewart Amos Stevens and others being the tract of land on which the late Robert Lemmond lived at the time of his death Beginning at a small Black Oak Eli Stewart's Corner and runs with three of his lines due S 80 poles to an Elm in a Pond, thence S 20° W 60 poles to a P.O., thence S 45° E 82 poles to a small Hickory in a drain Archibald Porter's corner, thence with his line S 40 1/3° W 156 poles to a B.O. on G.W. [Riches?] line thence with three of his lines N 59° W 2 1/4 poles to a White Oak thence N 27° W 69 poles to a Hickory by the Road, thence at 8° E 4 poles to a Hickory (dead) thence S 89° W 198 poles to B.O, thence at 22° W 96 poles to a B.O., thence N 10° E 66 poles croping a Branch to a Pine, thence N 87° E 36 poles to a Hickory, thence N 1/2° # 112 poles croping the Creek to a small B.O., thence N 25° E 186 poles to a small Hickory near the Lawyers Road, thence down said Road, thence S 80° E 40 3/4 poles to a stump, thence S39° E 40 poles to a Post Oak on the head of a drain, thence S 63° E 22 poles to the Beginning Containing by [surrey? survey?] seven Hundred and Ninty three acres -- To have and to hold the same with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to them the said party of the second part their Heirs and Assigns forever. And the said part of the first part, for the consideration aforesaid, doth hereby covenant and agree to WARRANT and DEFEND the premises aforesaid, to the said party of the second part their Executors, Administrators and Assigns, against the claim and entry of all persons whatsoever, and they doth further covenant, that they are seized of the premises in fee simple, and hath power to make and convey such an estate by this Indenture, and hath done the same by these presents, to the said Charles Judson, William F. Durant in trust for themselves and their Associates IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said party of the first part, hath hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in Presence of Cyrus Q. Lemmond (seal) Jos. H Wilson Jackson C. Lemmond (seal) Eli Stewart Cyrus Q. Lemmond (seal) E. C. Stewart
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