Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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Union County July 2nd 1894 Dear Brother Last Sunday we spent a part of the day at Columbus S.C. arrived at Charlotte Monday 2 oclock P.M. went to the Bank and found all right as regards to our money matters. found Mr. Wilson at home and enjoyed his services we left Charlotte and arrived at Mrs. Moors about 9 oclock in the eve. Before we could have the deed made out we have to have the property surveyed. it was with a great deal of difficulty that we could find a surveyor but found one at last on Monday we shall get every thing fixed up and Mr. Downing will start on the fourth. I was over to the Long Mines yesterday. Mr Mires has not put up the Log Cabbins or fixed the other ones. His excuse for not having them up was that he had heard that the property had been sold three times since you were here. But he is going at them this week. I shall commence getting the 20 [illegible] of ore out this week after that there will not be much to do except to look look after things. Mr. Lemmond has sunk a new shaft a short distance
Union County July 2nd 1894 Dear Brother Last Sunday we spent a part of the day at Columbus S.C. arrived at Charlotte Monday 2 oclock P.M. went to the Bank and found all right as regards to our money matters. found Mr. Wilson at home and enjoyed his services we left Charlotte and arrived at Mrs. Moors about 9 oclock in the eve. Before we could have the deed made out we have to have the property surveyed. it was with a great deal of difficulty that we could find a surveyor but found one at last on Monday we shall get every thing fixed up and Mr. Downing will start on the fourth. I was over to the Long Mines yesterday. Mr Mires has not put up the Log Cabbins or fixed the other ones. His excuse for not having them up was that he had heard that the property had been sold three times since you were here. But he is going at them this week. I shall commence getting the 20 [illegible] of ore out this week after that there will not be much to do except to look look after things. Mr. Lemmond has sunk a new shaft a short distance
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