Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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...July 21st 1864 Dear Brother, This is the fourth letter that I have wrote (?) but have read no...from you. I have read no letters from the north but the one you wrote on the 23rd of June the day after I left NY. We are having very hot weather and a good deal of...about (here candles the Flux?). I quit work last Wednesday but shall commence again Monday.
...July 21st 1864 Dear Brother, This is the fourth letter that I have wrote (?) but have read no...from you. I have read no letters from the north but the one you wrote on the 23rd of June the day after I left NY. We are having very hot weather and a good deal of...about (here candles the Flux?). I quit work last Wednesday but shall commence again Monday.
Building the Transcontinental Railroad