Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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Union County, NC, August [2nd?] 1854 T C Durant Esq New York City Dear Brother, As regards to working in the Lemmond Mine I would say that I had commenced again a few days before I had your letter [illegible] 4 men 3 [illegible] digging trenches work and using the pan. I have been digging about on the hill and have run a trench around the [illegible] of the hill from one to 4 feet [illegible] have hit two veins but they are not [illegible] much [gold?]. There is a place on this hill at the [edge?] of the woods near the open field where the [illegible] panned very good and for the last two days I have looking for a vein there. It was found last eve just before the men [quit?] I left the mine about noon to visit the Long [illegible] and did not go back again but Mr. Lewis the one that does the panning and takes charge of the men when I cannot [the?] says that is is a slate vein about five inches wide and [illegible] risk and also says that it is a vein that has never been found before, but I think by the way it [illegible] is - is a vein that runs [illegible] [illegible] in the [illegible] of G Lemmond's [illegible]. I can
Union County, NC, August [2nd?] 1854 T C Durant Esq New York City Dear Brother, As regards to working in the Lemmond Mine I would say that I had commenced again a few days before I had your letter [illegible] 4 men 3 [illegible] digging trenches work and using the pan. I have been digging about on the hill and have run a trench around the [illegible] of the hill from one to 4 feet [illegible] have hit two veins but they are not [illegible] much [gold?]. There is a place on this hill at the [edge?] of the woods near the open field where the [illegible] panned very good and for the last two days I have looking for a vein there. It was found last eve just before the men [quit?] I left the mine about noon to visit the Long [illegible] and did not go back again but Mr. Lewis the one that does the panning and takes charge of the men when I cannot [the?] says that is is a slate vein about five inches wide and [illegible] risk and also says that it is a vein that has never been found before, but I think by the way it [illegible] is - is a vein that runs [illegible] [illegible] in the [illegible] of G Lemmond's [illegible]. I can
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