Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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3-1-29-4 Going up to look at it as soon as I finish this [illegible] (if it is Sunday) I think that there is a good vein and a very [rich?] one to in that [old field?] just above the [illegible] [illegible] [field?], the [illegible] [illegible] well but it had been [worked?] so much with the plough that it will be hard to find, but I shall put Lewis in there in the morning and let him try his luck this week I give him $1.00 per day and if he finds a vein in that field [five or six inches?] will [illegible] worth 5 [put?] to the Bushel without [illegible] this one I can [illegible] give him $5.00 extra. I shall not work any after this week as my [illegible] have got to pull the [illegible] [illegible]. There is one thing certain if you should go on and work [illegible] [illegible] miss you will have to [imploy?] other [men?] than what we can [get?] here. My [German?] Boys at the Long Mine will do us much again work in the same time and stand the Hot [illegible] better [illegible] (insert: than that [illegible] have). But I must close [illegible] the [illegible] is waiting. I send the [Brandy?] [last?] [week?] and [illegible] [much?] [illegible] [illegible] my [papers?] for the first [illegible] last week. Yours [Wm?] [illegible] Lemmond
3-1-29-4 Going up to look at it as soon as I finish this [illegible] (if it is Sunday) I think that there is a good vein and a very [rich?] one to in that [old field?] just above the [illegible] [illegible] [field?], the [illegible] [illegible] well but it had been [worked?] so much with the plough that it will be hard to find, but I shall put Lewis in there in the morning and let him try his luck this week I give him $1.00 per day and if he finds a vein in that field [five or six inches?] will [illegible] worth 5 [put?] to the Bushel without [illegible] this one I can [illegible] give him $5.00 extra. I shall not work any after this week as my [illegible] have got to pull the [illegible] [illegible]. There is one thing certain if you should go on and work [illegible] [illegible] miss you will have to [imploy?] other [men?] than what we can [get?] here. My [German?] Boys at the Long Mine will do us much again work in the same time and stand the Hot [illegible] better [illegible] (insert: than that [illegible] have). But I must close [illegible] the [illegible] is waiting. I send the [Brandy?] [last?] [week?] and [illegible] [much?] [illegible] [illegible] my [papers?] for the first [illegible] last week. Yours [Wm?] [illegible] Lemmond
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