Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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but I think that they have not taken out much. I think that they have broken a [illegible] ground. I shall [illegible] this [illegible] I did not go up to the Long [illegible] but I hear that they are troubled with [illegible]. I shall make pay day at the Long on Tuesday and pay [illegible] [illegible] the [illegible] on Wednesday as far as my money will go. If you make up your mind to let [illegible] pay day go by the [illegible] I want to know it but I want the [illegible] to help me out of [illegible] and pay for the Betting and Hauling of the [illegible] I do not know what the pay role is at the Long [illegible] They say that this is the coldest winter they [illegible] had in [illegible] Ellen [illegible] [illegible] at Youngs Hotel They are well with the [illegible] of [illegible] . I slept at Mrs [illegible] one night last week and liked
but I think that they have not taken out much. I think that they have broken a [illegible] ground. I shall [illegible] this [illegible] I did not go up to the Long [illegible] but I hear that they are troubled with [illegible]. I shall make pay day at the Long on Tuesday and pay [illegible] [illegible] the [illegible] on Wednesday as far as my money will go. If you make up your mind to let [illegible] pay day go by the [illegible] I want to know it but I want the [illegible] to help me out of [illegible] and pay for the Betting and Hauling of the [illegible] I do not know what the pay role is at the Long [illegible] They say that this is the coldest winter they [illegible] had in [illegible] Ellen [illegible] [illegible] at Youngs Hotel They are well with the [illegible] of [illegible] . I slept at Mrs [illegible] one night last week and liked
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