Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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to have frozen to death, it is colder - [illegible] then it is at the north at least I feel the cold more. The [illegible] for [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] is not in the ground and I am not [illegible] it can be got [illegible] before spring, it would cost $200 to get it if it could be got at all. The pay role for the Lemmond Mine for this month will be at least $600 If you should [illegible] to go on another month I will want $1000 for the month of Jan 1886 Yours affectionately W [illegible] Durant [illegible] [illegible] for me in [illegible] [illegible] to you all
to have frozen to death, it is colder - [illegible] then it is at the north at least I feel the cold more. The [illegible] for [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] is not in the ground and I am not [illegible] it can be got [illegible] before spring, it would cost $200 to get it if it could be got at all. The pay role for the Lemmond Mine for this month will be at least $600 If you should [illegible] to go on another month I will want $1000 for the month of Jan 1886 Yours affectionately W [illegible] Durant [illegible] [illegible] for me in [illegible] [illegible] to you all
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