Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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Charlotte NC [illegible] 29th 1856 Dear Brother Yours of the 26th came to hand this eve. You say that you do not know why I talk of leaving the first of April. In your letter of the 6th you wished to know how long I intended to remain at the mines, that you thought that you should put [illegible] Williams as Booth Keeper & agent for both mines and that Caps Palson was instructed to see what could be [illegible] [illegible] In answer to that letter I said that I should like to get away about the first of May but in case there should be no one here to take my place. I would stay until [illegible] which would be about the middle of May. When Capt Palson came he made the changes [illegible] [illegible] was sent on and took Capt Williams place and Capt Williams was told this he would have to take charge of
Charlotte NC [illegible] 29th 1856 Dear Brother Yours of the 26th came to hand this eve. You say that you do not know why I talk of leaving the first of April. In your letter of the 6th you wished to know how long I intended to remain at the mines, that you thought that you should put [illegible] Williams as Booth Keeper & agent for both mines and that Caps Palson was instructed to see what could be [illegible] [illegible] In answer to that letter I said that I should like to get away about the first of May but in case there should be no one here to take my place. I would stay until [illegible] which would be about the middle of May. When Capt Palson came he made the changes [illegible] [illegible] was sent on and took Capt Williams place and Capt Williams was told this he would have to take charge of
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