Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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up. I have not [illegible] any of the [illegible] yet from the Long [illegible] and shall not until they [illegible] I have got the [illegible] well arranged and and they can try the [illegible] that now lays on the ground in [illegible] is out of the [different?] shafts I had rather take it out of the shafts after they [came?] I shall grind about 12 [illegible] of each. Downing says that he sees no reason why I cannot make one hundred dollar pay perhaps he can but I cannot He is coming down about [illegible] first of May. I wish that you would find out if he has sold the [Stewart?] mine and [illegible] what [illegible] and let me know, my curiosity is very much [existed?] Yours truly Wm [illegible] Durant
up. I have not [illegible] any of the [illegible] yet from the Long [illegible] and shall not until they [illegible] I have got the [illegible] well arranged and and they can try the [illegible] that now lays on the ground in [illegible] is out of the [different?] shafts I had rather take it out of the shafts after they [came?] I shall grind about 12 [illegible] of each. Downing says that he sees no reason why I cannot make one hundred dollar pay perhaps he can but I cannot He is coming down about [illegible] first of May. I wish that you would find out if he has sold the [Stewart?] mine and [illegible] what [illegible] and let me know, my curiosity is very much [existed?] Yours truly Wm [illegible] Durant
Building the Transcontinental Railroad