Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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Ticket—Reference. John J. Bloomfield, Law Stationer, 72 Chambers St., N. Y. By virtue of a writ of subpoena, To you directed and herewith shown, You are Commanded, that all business and excuses be laid aside, You appear and attend in your proper person, before Hon. William Kent — the Referee appointed by the Court, at his office No 45 Wall St. in the City of New York on the 12th day of October next at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, to testify and speak the truth in a certain action now pending in the New York Court of Common Pleas then and there to be tried, between Thomas C. Durant & Henry C. C… plaintiffs and Hugh Downing defendant and the part of the Plaintiffs And for a failure to attend, you will be deemed guilty of a contempt of Court, and liable to pay all loss and damages sustained thereby to the party aggrieved, and forfeit fifty dollars in addition thereto. Dated the 10th day of October 1857, By the Court. To D. McMahon Attorney for Plffs.
Ticket—Reference. John J. Bloomfield, Law Stationer, 72 Chambers St., N. Y. By virtue of a writ of subpoena, To you directed and herewith shown, You are Commanded, that all business and excuses be laid aside, You appear and attend in your proper person, before Hon. William Kent — the Referee appointed by the Court, at his office No 45 Wall St. in the City of New York on the 12th day of October next at 11 o'clock in the fore noon, to testify and speak the truth in a certain action now pending in the New York Court of Common Pleas then and there to be tried, between Thomas C. Durant & Henry C. C… plaintiffs and Hugh Downing defendant and the part of the Plaintiffs And for a failure to attend, you will be deemed guilty of a contempt of Court, and liable to pay all loss and damages sustained thereby to the party aggrieved, and forfeit fifty dollars in addition thereto. Dated the 10th day of October 1857, By the Court. To D. McMahon Attorney for Plffs.
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