Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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18th Sept 1872 Dear Doctor, Have you still your Gold Mining property in North Carolina, and if so, is it under your control. What is the nature of the property - quartz or sulphurets - and have any shafts been sunk, and how much work has been done? - Also please let me know where the property is situated.- I ask these questions because I know of a party successful in extracting metals and I think could do you a good service if you have the property still under your control.
18th Sept 1872 Dear Doctor, Have you still your Gold Mining property in North Carolina, and if so, is it under your control. What is the nature of the property - quartz or sulphurets - and have any shafts been sunk, and how much work has been done? - Also please let me know where the property is situated.- I ask these questions because I know of a party successful in extracting metals and I think could do you a good service if you have the property still under your control.
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