Correspondence on Lemmond Mine, Union County, North Carolina, part 1, 1854-1894
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City & County of New York SS On the twenty eighth day of June one thousand eight hundred + sixty-seven. before me personally came Charles W Durant, known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same [illegible] Gardiner Notary Public State of New York City & County of New York On this 26th day of march 1886 before me personally came Augustus Hull, who being by me duly sworn [illegible] and says that he has read the forgoing copy of an agreement signed by Charles W Durant as principal and himself - the said Augustus Hull as [illegible] and that he [illegible] believes the same to be a true copy of the original agreement Sworn and Submitted to [illegible] me this 26th day of March 1886 Tho Nash Notary Public Kings [illegible] Certificate filed in New York County
City & County of New York SS On the twenty eighth day of June one thousand eight hundred + sixty-seven. before me personally came Charles W Durant, known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same [illegible] Gardiner Notary Public State of New York City & County of New York On this 26th day of march 1886 before me personally came Augustus Hull, who being by me duly sworn [illegible] and says that he has read the forgoing copy of an agreement signed by Charles W Durant as principal and himself - the said Augustus Hull as [illegible] and that he [illegible] believes the same to be a true copy of the original agreement Sworn and Submitted to [illegible] me this 26th day of March 1886 Tho Nash Notary Public Kings [illegible] Certificate filed in New York County
Building the Transcontinental Railroad