Scott County court case, Durant vs Dexter, July 1856
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Interrogatories to be propounded on the part of the Defendants - Int 1 What is your name, age, occupation and place of residence, and will you be present at the trial of this cause? Int 2 Are you acquainted with the parties to this suit or any of them & if so which of them - and are you a party to the same yourself? Int 3 Do you know anything about a certain Deed of Trust executed on or about the 17th day of July 1856, by John M D Burrows and Sarah M Burrows his wife to John F. Dillon conveying certain property in the City of Davenport in Scott County, Iowa, described as "Beginning in Front Street 80 feet south of the south "East corner of Block number sixty one (61) in said City "thence West along the south side of Front Street two hundred "& twenty eight feet to the North East corner of Hirschl's "land, thence south to the Mississippi River at low water "mark to a point due south of the place of beginning "and to the west line of Perry Street, thence North along "the West side of Perry Street to the place of beginning, "being the tract of land between said Front Street on the "north and the Mississippi river on the south upon which "is erected a steam Flouring Mill and a building formerly "known as the Aetna Mills - Also a lot or tract of "land in said City of Davenport, particularly described
Interrogatories to be propounded on the part of the Defendants - Int 1 What is your name, age, occupation and place of residence, and will you be present at the trial of this cause? Int 2 Are you acquainted with the parties to this suit or any of them & if so which of them - and are you a party to the same yourself? Int 3 Do you know anything about a certain Deed of Trust executed on or about the 17th day of July 1856, by John M D Burrows and Sarah M Burrows his wife to John F. Dillon conveying certain property in the City of Davenport in Scott County, Iowa, described as "Beginning in Front Street 80 feet south of the south "East corner of Block number sixty one (61) in said City "thence West along the south side of Front Street two hundred "& twenty eight feet to the North East corner of Hirschl's "land, thence south to the Mississippi River at low water "mark to a point due south of the place of beginning "and to the west line of Perry Street, thence North along "the West side of Perry Street to the place of beginning, "being the tract of land between said Front Street on the "north and the Mississippi river on the south upon which "is erected a steam Flouring Mill and a building formerly "known as the Aetna Mills - Also a lot or tract of "land in said City of Davenport, particularly described
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