Correspondence regarding the Lindsay Mine in North Carolina, 1855-1868
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McCulloch Mine June 7th 1855 Dear Doctor Inclosed you will find two letters which I have received from Mr. Bonner. Please read them. I am expecting the return of your brother to accompany him to the property or if he fails to come I will go alone when I think that Charles shall have made any developments. McColloch The cup is approaching the anxious point 105 feet from shaft as fast as the nature of the ground will allow. The vein is getting smaller and the ground more favorable for driving - the same happened in the level above before reaching the big bunch -The (illegible) from the 130 to come down in the bunch is about 15 ft deep nothing met with yet nor expected until we reach 25 feet deep - if nothing is there to be seen shall drive a level back under the ore so as to know how poor it is and to enable us to to take out the little or much that may be above - if you begin to think that I am
McCulloch Mine June 7th 1855 Dear Doctor Inclosed you will find two letters which I have received from Mr. Bonner. Please read them. I am expecting the return of your brother to accompany him to the property or if he fails to come I will go alone when I think that Charles shall have made any developments. McColloch The cup is approaching the anxious point 105 feet from shaft as fast as the nature of the ground will allow. The vein is getting smaller and the ground more favorable for driving - the same happened in the level above before reaching the big bunch -The (illegible) from the 130 to come down in the bunch is about 15 ft deep nothing met with yet nor expected until we reach 25 feet deep - if nothing is there to be seen shall drive a level back under the ore so as to know how poor it is and to enable us to to take out the little or much that may be above - if you begin to think that I am
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