English cookbook, 1820
Page 52
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Stoughtons Drops Mrs. Cooke One Ounce of Jension Root the Rinds of 6 Seville Oranges two pennyworth of Cochineal one pennyworth Snake Root & two of Saffron put these into a Quart of Brandy tye it close up in a Pitcher & let it stand three weeks then strain it clear off & Bottle it.-- To Make Lemon Solid To a pint of Cream the Juice of a large Lemon grate the Peel & mix it with the Juice in the dish. sweeten the Cream to your taste & pour the Cream on boiling hot dont stir it till Cold or it will Crack. stick green Sweetmeats upon it.-- Mountain Cream Have four Quarts of Water in a Pan with a little Salt when it boils take one Quart of Cream 6 Eggs well beat & straind then mix them together & pour them into this
Stoughtons Drops Mrs. Cooke One Ounce of Jension Root the Rinds of 6 Seville Oranges two pennyworth of Cochineal one pennyworth Snake Root & two of Saffron put these into a Quart of Brandy tye it close up in a Pitcher & let it stand three weeks then strain it clear off & Bottle it.-- To Make Lemon Solid To a pint of Cream the Juice of a large Lemon grate the Peel & mix it with the Juice in the dish. sweeten the Cream to your taste & pour the Cream on boiling hot dont stir it till Cold or it will Crack. stick green Sweetmeats upon it.-- Mountain Cream Have four Quarts of Water in a Pan with a little Salt when it boils take one Quart of Cream 6 Eggs well beat & straind then mix them together & pour them into this
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks