English cookbook, 1820
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in the bottom of the dish but not over the Pyramids. - Custard Miss Aune Thing To a quart of Cream 4 Eggs - a stick of Cinnamon and the rind of a lemon - stir it over a slow fire - when cold you may add 2 Oz of almonds 1 of Sweet & 1 of bitter. blanch them and cut them in Slices - a Glass of Mountain wine - sweeten it to your taste. put it in a dish & stick it with almonds blanch'd or orange & Green Sweetmeats cut in long narrow pieces. N B. if you make Blamange & custard on the same day, the almonds left from the Blamange will do to put in the Custard - and you may put in one Egg the less, as the Isinglass which adheres to the almonds makes up for one. - Potted Beef 4 pound of the tenderest lean Beef Season it with a small handful of Salt - half an Oz of Sal petre - let it stand three days turning it every day - then put it into a Mug with one pound of Butter to it, bake it till quite tender - beat it
in the bottom of the dish but not over the Pyramids. - Custard Miss Aune Thing To a quart of Cream 4 Eggs - a stick of Cinnamon and the rind of a lemon - stir it over a slow fire - when cold you may add 2 Oz of almonds 1 of Sweet & 1 of bitter. blanch them and cut them in Slices - a Glass of Mountain wine - sweeten it to your taste. put it in a dish & stick it with almonds blanch'd or orange & Green Sweetmeats cut in long narrow pieces. N B. if you make Blamange & custard on the same day, the almonds left from the Blamange will do to put in the Custard - and you may put in one Egg the less, as the Isinglass which adheres to the almonds makes up for one. - Potted Beef 4 pound of the tenderest lean Beef Season it with a small handful of Salt - half an Oz of Sal petre - let it stand three days turning it every day - then put it into a Mug with one pound of Butter to it, bake it till quite tender - beat it
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks