Durrell Stables Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book, April 25, 1814
Page 14
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14 [left margin] 77 Easy method of producing Mushrooms - If the Water wherein Mushrooms have been steeped or washed be poured upon an old Bed, or if the broken parts of Mushrooms be stewed thereon, these will speedily arise great numbers [left margin] 69 To cut Glass Take a red hot shank of a Tobacco-pipe, lay it on the edge of the glass, which will then begin to crack, then draw the shank [illegible] a little gently before, and it will follow any way you draw your Hand [left margin] 69 To make a Wash for the Skin - Put four ounces of pot-ash, four ounces of Rose Water, two ounces of pure brandy, and two ounces of lemon Juice into two quarts of Water, and when you wash yourself, put a tablespoonful or two of the mixture into a Basin of Water in which you intend washing - [left margin] 69 To stain Wood a fine black Drop a little oil of Vitriol into a small quantity of Water rub the same on your Wood, then hold it to the Fire until it becomes a fine black, and when polished it will be exceedingly beautiful [left margin] 72 To stain Wood, Green - Dissolve Verdigris in Vinegar, or chrystals of Verdigris in Water; and with the hot Solution, brush over the Wood till it be duly stained -
14 [left margin] 77 Easy method of producing Mushrooms - If the Water wherein Mushrooms have been steeped or washed be poured upon an old Bed, or if the broken parts of Mushrooms be stewed thereon, these will speedily arise great numbers [left margin] 69 To cut Glass Take a red hot shank of a Tobacco-pipe, lay it on the edge of the glass, which will then begin to crack, then draw the shank [illegible] a little gently before, and it will follow any way you draw your Hand [left margin] 69 To make a Wash for the Skin - Put four ounces of pot-ash, four ounces of Rose Water, two ounces of pure brandy, and two ounces of lemon Juice into two quarts of Water, and when you wash yourself, put a tablespoonful or two of the mixture into a Basin of Water in which you intend washing - [left margin] 69 To stain Wood a fine black Drop a little oil of Vitriol into a small quantity of Water rub the same on your Wood, then hold it to the Fire until it becomes a fine black, and when polished it will be exceedingly beautiful [left margin] 72 To stain Wood, Green - Dissolve Verdigris in Vinegar, or chrystals of Verdigris in Water; and with the hot Solution, brush over the Wood till it be duly stained -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks