Durrell Stables Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book, April 25, 1814
Page 17
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17 [left margin] 231 Virtues of the Sun Flowers The cultivation of the annual Sun flower is recommended to the notice of the Public, as possessing the advantages of furnishing abundance of agreeable fodder for Cattle in its leaves when in flower, Bees flock to it from all quarters to gain? Honey. The Seed is valuable in feeding Sheep, pigs and other Animals; it produces a striking effect in Poultry, by occasioning the Hens to lay more Eggs, and it yields a large quantity of excellent Oil, by pressure; the dry stalks burn well the ashes affording a considerable quantity of alkali - [left margin] 263 To make Nankeen Dye - Boil equal parts of anotts and common potash in Water till the whole are dissolved. This will produce the pale reddish buff so much in use, and sold under the Name of Nankeen Dye - [left margin] 274 Singularly useful properties of Garlic The smell of Garlic, which is formidable to many Ladies is, perhaps, the most infallible remedy in the world against the Vapours, and all the various? disorders to which Women are subject (of this [illegible] St. Pierre) I have had repeated experience [left margin] 252 To stain Wood a beautiful Red or Mahogany Colour Place a square piece of Plane tree-Wood, a [illegible] in thickness, into pounded dragons-blood from the Canaries mixed with oil of Turpentine over the fire in a glass Vessel. the wood will slowly assume the Colour even before the Spirit has volatilised. After
17 [left margin] 231 Virtues of the Sun Flowers The cultivation of the annual Sun flower is recommended to the notice of the Public, as possessing the advantages of furnishing abundance of agreeable fodder for Cattle in its leaves when in flower, Bees flock to it from all quarters to gain? Honey. The Seed is valuable in feeding Sheep, pigs and other Animals; it produces a striking effect in Poultry, by occasioning the Hens to lay more Eggs, and it yields a large quantity of excellent Oil, by pressure; the dry stalks burn well the ashes affording a considerable quantity of alkali - [left margin] 263 To make Nankeen Dye - Boil equal parts of anotts and common potash in Water till the whole are dissolved. This will produce the pale reddish buff so much in use, and sold under the Name of Nankeen Dye - [left margin] 274 Singularly useful properties of Garlic The smell of Garlic, which is formidable to many Ladies is, perhaps, the most infallible remedy in the world against the Vapours, and all the various? disorders to which Women are subject (of this [illegible] St. Pierre) I have had repeated experience [left margin] 252 To stain Wood a beautiful Red or Mahogany Colour Place a square piece of Plane tree-Wood, a [illegible] in thickness, into pounded dragons-blood from the Canaries mixed with oil of Turpentine over the fire in a glass Vessel. the wood will slowly assume the Colour even before the Spirit has volatilised. After
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks