Durrell Stables Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book, April 25, 1814
Page 20
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20 To Cure the Rheumatism [illegible] p vI sub muriad Hydrag qr xij [illegible] in [illegible] xij Dividem [illegible] [illegible] omni nocte J Tobias 17 March 1826 [illegible] To cure a Dropsy - Take about a good handful of raw Leeks fresh from the Earth cut off the greatest part of the green, & put the remainder into a Mortar, & pound the same to a mash, which squeeze thro' a linen Cloth, till two Table spoonsful of juice is produced which put into half a pint of warm Milk, & take it the first thing in the Morning before you rise, & the last thing at Night before you get into Bed - after having take the above Juice for about eight or ten Days successively then take fifteen grains of Dover's Powders in a wine glassful of Punch warm, the last thing before you go to bed in which latter case the juice of the Leeks and Milk should be taken at 6 of Clock in the Evening to prevent any interference with the Dovers Powders NB it may be requisite after having taken the Dover's Powder some time to increase the Dose to twenty grains [illegible] The late John Trotter [Esq?] was perfectly cured by taking the above prescription, notwithstanding likes some two or three times before been tapped & had several pailsful of water drawn from him -
20 To Cure the Rheumatism [illegible] p vI sub muriad Hydrag qr xij [illegible] in [illegible] xij Dividem [illegible] [illegible] omni nocte J Tobias 17 March 1826 [illegible] To cure a Dropsy - Take about a good handful of raw Leeks fresh from the Earth cut off the greatest part of the green, & put the remainder into a Mortar, & pound the same to a mash, which squeeze thro' a linen Cloth, till two Table spoonsful of juice is produced which put into half a pint of warm Milk, & take it the first thing in the Morning before you rise, & the last thing at Night before you get into Bed - after having take the above Juice for about eight or ten Days successively then take fifteen grains of Dover's Powders in a wine glassful of Punch warm, the last thing before you go to bed in which latter case the juice of the Leeks and Milk should be taken at 6 of Clock in the Evening to prevent any interference with the Dovers Powders NB it may be requisite after having taken the Dover's Powder some time to increase the Dose to twenty grains [illegible] The late John Trotter [Esq?] was perfectly cured by taking the above prescription, notwithstanding likes some two or three times before been tapped & had several pailsful of water drawn from him -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks