Durrell Stables Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book, April 25, 1814
Page 22
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22 To make Dinner Pills Take of Rhubarb root extract 1 Drachm extract of Fumitary 1/2 Drachm (Fumitory) [left margin] (fumaria officinalis of Linnaeus) [left margin] [mirror?] of dried subcarbonate of Soda and fresh powdered Jamaica Ginger [right margin] of each 1/2 a Drachm make up the above into 30 Pills of which one, two or three as may be requisite may be taken an hour & a half before Dinner afterwards drinking a Wineglassful of plain Water- To cure Rheumatic Pains in the Face & Teeth to 2 teaspoonsful of flour add the same quantity of grated Ginger incorporate them well together and add Spirits, sufficient to make it a thin paste, spread this upon a linen Rag and apply it to the part affected when going to bed wrapping a piece of flannel over all and it will effect a cure very soon [left margin] [illegible] To make Shoes and Boots, Waterproof Mix a Pint of drying oil 2 ounces of yellow wax 2 ounces of turpentine & half an ounce of Burgundy Pitch carefully over a slow fire. lay the Mixture whilst hot on the Boots or Shoes with a sponge or a soft Brush, and when they are dry repeat the operation till the leather becomes quite saturated - Let them then be put away and not be worn till the leather becomes perfectly dry and elastic they will afterwards be found not only impenetrable by wet, but soft and pliable as [also?] of much longer duration [left margin] [illegible] 1823
22 To make Dinner Pills Take of Rhubarb root extract 1 Drachm extract of Fumitary 1/2 Drachm (Fumitory) [left margin] (fumaria officinalis of Linnaeus) [left margin] [mirror?] of dried subcarbonate of Soda and fresh powdered Jamaica Ginger [right margin] of each 1/2 a Drachm make up the above into 30 Pills of which one, two or three as may be requisite may be taken an hour & a half before Dinner afterwards drinking a Wineglassful of plain Water- To cure Rheumatic Pains in the Face & Teeth to 2 teaspoonsful of flour add the same quantity of grated Ginger incorporate them well together and add Spirits, sufficient to make it a thin paste, spread this upon a linen Rag and apply it to the part affected when going to bed wrapping a piece of flannel over all and it will effect a cure very soon [left margin] [illegible] To make Shoes and Boots, Waterproof Mix a Pint of drying oil 2 ounces of yellow wax 2 ounces of turpentine & half an ounce of Burgundy Pitch carefully over a slow fire. lay the Mixture whilst hot on the Boots or Shoes with a sponge or a soft Brush, and when they are dry repeat the operation till the leather becomes quite saturated - Let them then be put away and not be worn till the leather becomes perfectly dry and elastic they will afterwards be found not only impenetrable by wet, but soft and pliable as [also?] of much longer duration [left margin] [illegible] 1823
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks