Durrell Stables Survayer of the Meltings Gold Pot Book, April 25, 1814
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dreadful epileptic Fits with which she had been afflicted almost a whole year commonly holding her from 7 in the morning till 9 at night After once purging her - he twice a Day gave her half a Drachm of Venice soap, boiled in 6 oz of Milk - to [thrice?] for each Dose, & in about 30 Days entirely cured her -
dreadful epileptic Fits with which she had been afflicted almost a whole year commonly holding her from 7 in the morning till 9 at night After once purging her - he twice a Day gave her half a Drachm of Venice soap, boiled in 6 oz of Milk - to [thrice?] for each Dose, & in about 30 Days entirely cured her -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks