English cookbook, 1815
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To make ginger Beer. To 8 gallons of Water 8 lb of Lump sugar beat the whites of 4 eggs to a froth & mix with the sugar and water while cold - When it boils scum it till clear, then add 6 oz of Ginger well bruised, & the outward Peel of 16 Lemons, which boil in it one hour - Put it in a Tub, when it is about new milk warm Add the juice of 16 Lemons / which must be strained Then turn it into the Barrel & put quarter of a pint of good fresh Barm on the top / Do not stir it in / Lay a paper over the Bung & the next Morning stop it close - Let it remain in the Barrel only one [illegible] fortnight & in a fortnight after it will be fit for use. - N.B. Allow a quart or 2 for reducing & your Vessel must be full. - If you put too little or too old Barm it will not ferment well, if too much it will make it Bitter & burst all your Bottles - You must have good corks, & it should be kept in a dry place Mrs. Loskey Minutes: Lay the Mutton on the dish and pour the rice over it Mrs Mason
To make ginger Beer. To 8 gallons of Water 8 lb of Lump sugar beat the whites of 4 eggs to a froth & mix with the sugar and water while cold - When it boils scum it till clear, then add 6 oz of Ginger well bruised, & the outward Peel of 16 Lemons, which boil in it one hour - Put it in a Tub, when it is about new milk warm Add the juice of 16 Lemons / which must be strained Then turn it into the Barrel & put quarter of a pint of good fresh Barm on the top / Do not stir it in / Lay a paper over the Bung & the next Morning stop it close - Let it remain in the Barrel only one [illegible] fortnight & in a fortnight after it will be fit for use. - N.B. Allow a quart or 2 for reducing & your Vessel must be full. - If you put too little or too old Barm it will not ferment well, if too much it will make it Bitter & burst all your Bottles - You must have good corks, & it should be kept in a dry place Mrs. Loskey Minutes: Lay the Mutton on the dish and pour the rice over it Mrs Mason
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks