English cookbook, 1815
Page 70
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The best season for collecting materials for Flies is Winter - as the plumage of Birds is then better & the skin of animals cleaner & Brighter - Never use the feathers of young Birds if you can avoid it - We must however collect the feathers of migrating Birds, as Landrails, Wood cocks, field fairs &c when we can The Starling is a profitable Bird, for which a Snipe's wing is a good Substitute - You may collect Blues from wings of the Jay, Wood pigeon, starling & Snipe - also from Hackles of Dun Cock or Hen, & tail of Large Tom tit. Browns from Wings of Hen Pheasant, Mallard, Partridge, Sandrail & Woodcock. Hackles of Grouse, Partridge &2d: feathers of cock pheasants tail. Reds from wings of Mallard, Landrail, Thrush, & common Hen: - from Tail of Partridge - Hackles of a dark red & ginger Cock, & tail of Redpole - These, with hackles of Bittern, grey breast feathers of mallard, tail feathers of Peacock, & black & white ones of an Ostrich will Nearly suffice for Trout Flies. For Furs & Bear's hairs, grey, dim, light & dark; camels hair dark & light. Badgers hairs from the ear light & dark brown - Hogs brown from the throat & tail, black red, whitish, & sandy colored Seals fur mohair, camlet and worsted of all colors Tail of Squirels - Brush of a Foxcub good dressing - Fur of a Hares neck & ears, & above all the yellow Fur of a Wastern Cat Limerick Hooks Take care to Serve Silks of "All the gay hues that wait on Female pride" The Best Silk is what Barbers use.
The best season for collecting materials for Flies is Winter - as the plumage of Birds is then better & the skin of animals cleaner & Brighter - Never use the feathers of young Birds if you can avoid it - We must however collect the feathers of migrating Birds, as Landrails, Wood cocks, field fairs &c when we can The Starling is a profitable Bird, for which a Snipe's wing is a good Substitute - You may collect Blues from wings of the Jay, Wood pigeon, starling & Snipe - also from Hackles of Dun Cock or Hen, & tail of Large Tom tit. Browns from Wings of Hen Pheasant, Mallard, Partridge, Sandrail & Woodcock. Hackles of Grouse, Partridge &2d: feathers of cock pheasants tail. Reds from wings of Mallard, Landrail, Thrush, & common Hen: - from Tail of Partridge - Hackles of a dark red & ginger Cock, & tail of Redpole - These, with hackles of Bittern, grey breast feathers of mallard, tail feathers of Peacock, & black & white ones of an Ostrich will Nearly suffice for Trout Flies. For Furs & Bear's hairs, grey, dim, light & dark; camels hair dark & light. Badgers hairs from the ear light & dark brown - Hogs brown from the throat & tail, black red, whitish, & sandy colored Seals fur mohair, camlet and worsted of all colors Tail of Squirels - Brush of a Foxcub good dressing - Fur of a Hares neck & ears, & above all the yellow Fur of a Wastern Cat Limerick Hooks Take care to Serve Silks of "All the gay hues that wait on Female pride" The Best Silk is what Barbers use.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks