English cookbook, 1815
Page 75
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Red Cabbage Stewed Take a fine red cabbage, cut it into this slices cross-ways, and then into small bits. put them into a stewpan, with a pint of rich gravy a pound of sausages, and three or four slice of ham or bacon; cover the stewpan down close Set it on a moderate fire, let it stand half an hour, then uncover it, scum off the fat shake in some flour, put in two spoonsful of vinegar, and cover it up; set it on again, and let it stew four or five minutes longer, take out the sausages, and pour the rest over it - - Mrs Mason Pickled Mushrooms Put some buttons into milk and water, wipe them from it with a piece of flannel, and throw them into spring water, and salt. Boil some salt and water, put in the buttons, boil then up
Red Cabbage Stewed Take a fine red cabbage, cut it into this slices cross-ways, and then into small bits. put them into a stewpan, with a pint of rich gravy a pound of sausages, and three or four slice of ham or bacon; cover the stewpan down close Set it on a moderate fire, let it stand half an hour, then uncover it, scum off the fat shake in some flour, put in two spoonsful of vinegar, and cover it up; set it on again, and let it stew four or five minutes longer, take out the sausages, and pour the rest over it - - Mrs Mason Pickled Mushrooms Put some buttons into milk and water, wipe them from it with a piece of flannel, and throw them into spring water, and salt. Boil some salt and water, put in the buttons, boil then up
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks