English cookbook, 1815
Page 86
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Every professer, inieterate & incurable nuff takes, at a moderate computation, akes one pinch in 10 minutes, every pinch for with the agreeable ceremony of blowing wiping the nose, with other incidental s turns fances, consumes one minute a half; - 1 1/2 minute out of every ten, allowing 16 Hours to a snuff taken day, amounts to two hours & twenty four minutes out of every natural day & five day out of ten. - One day out of ten amounts to 36 1/2 days in a year. - Hence if we suppose the practice to be persisted in for 40 years, two entire years of a snuff - taken life will be medicated to tickling his nose & two more to blowing it. -
Every professer, inieterate & incurable nuff takes, at a moderate computation, akes one pinch in 10 minutes, every pinch for with the agreeable ceremony of blowing wiping the nose, with other incidental s turns fances, consumes one minute a half; - 1 1/2 minute out of every ten, allowing 16 Hours to a snuff taken day, amounts to two hours & twenty four minutes out of every natural day & five day out of ten. - One day out of ten amounts to 36 1/2 days in a year. - Hence if we suppose the practice to be persisted in for 40 years, two entire years of a snuff - taken life will be medicated to tickling his nose & two more to blowing it. -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks