Willis Family recipe book, 1833-1861
Page 36
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Muffitee German Knitting - 4 pins required Cast on 23 stitches on a pin 23 on a second 46 on a third - with a fourth pin knit 3 plain rows - the fourth row - the first eight stitches are to be taken two together thus making only four stitches, bring the thread forward under the pin - and knit seven common stitches bringing the thread forward before every one, and also before commencing the next eight stitches which I shall call 4 double stitches, on the next pin do the same, but on the third pin where there are 46 stitches there will be first 4 double 7 single - 8 double, 7 single 4 double - then three plain rows, the next as the fourth row and so on - it will require 14 rows of those containing the double stitches & of course plain rows in proportion The use of bringing the thread forward every time in knitting the single common stitches is to make a stitch Upper band for muffitee 74 stitches wrist band 64 knit a plain row 3 rows ribbed a plain row a row turning every 4th stitch plain & twisted alternately for 6 rows ending with a plain one and fasten off - Green, Brown, Blue, Red, Lilac and white (with yellow & black & yellow one row of each between each of the other colours) a pretty assemblage for worsted work -
Muffitee German Knitting - 4 pins required Cast on 23 stitches on a pin 23 on a second 46 on a third - with a fourth pin knit 3 plain rows - the fourth row - the first eight stitches are to be taken two together thus making only four stitches, bring the thread forward under the pin - and knit seven common stitches bringing the thread forward before every one, and also before commencing the next eight stitches which I shall call 4 double stitches, on the next pin do the same, but on the third pin where there are 46 stitches there will be first 4 double 7 single - 8 double, 7 single 4 double - then three plain rows, the next as the fourth row and so on - it will require 14 rows of those containing the double stitches & of course plain rows in proportion The use of bringing the thread forward every time in knitting the single common stitches is to make a stitch Upper band for muffitee 74 stitches wrist band 64 knit a plain row 3 rows ribbed a plain row a row turning every 4th stitch plain & twisted alternately for 6 rows ending with a plain one and fasten off - Green, Brown, Blue, Red, Lilac and white (with yellow & black & yellow one row of each between each of the other colours) a pretty assemblage for worsted work -
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks