Albert Cross diary, 1862
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January, WEDNESDAY, 29, 1862. This morning was extremely cold but nothwithstanding our visitors left for Home and we got along finely Invoicing goods to day. Unkle says we will have 2000. dollars worth of goods and Mr Cleaves says there will not be so much. I received a letter from S. B. Hamilton this evening and als a receipt for ten dollars whitch money I sent Him a few days ago S. B. appears to be dissatisfyed with his situation at the Junction and talks as iff he would like to be Back in Washington I wish he would come... Jonathan and I intended to have gone out calling this evening but it was sot cold that we gave it out
January, WEDNESDAY, 29, 1862. This morning was extremely cold but nothwithstanding our visitors left for Home and we got along finely Invoicing goods to day. Unkle says we will have 2000. dollars worth of goods and Mr Cleaves says there will not be so much. I received a letter from S. B. Hamilton this evening and als a receipt for ten dollars whitch money I sent Him a few days ago S. B. appears to be dissatisfyed with his situation at the Junction and talks as iff he would like to be Back in Washington I wish he would come... Jonathan and I intended to have gone out calling this evening but it was sot cold that we gave it out
Civil War Diaries and Letters