Albert Cross diary, 1862
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February, THURSDAY, 27, 1862. This is a Pleasant winter day and Unkle & mother have gone out to [Twinarms?] visiting. Mr Cleaves is still unwell yet. this has been a very Dull day in the way of Trade. I Paid McCoys taxes to day and sent Him the receipt I Paid my own also whitch was Twenty two dollars and Sixty Four cts. I think the Taxes are very High this season. I shall have to go at some work that will Pay well as I cannot pay my Taxes soon we are expecting some callers at our House this evening The folks of the Country have appointed a singing for Unkle Dan this evening and I dont believe He will attend for He cannot sing much...
February, THURSDAY, 27, 1862. This is a Pleasant winter day and Unkle & mother have gone out to [Twinarms?] visiting. Mr Cleaves is still unwell yet. this has been a very Dull day in the way of Trade. I Paid McCoys taxes to day and sent Him the receipt I Paid my own also whitch was Twenty two dollars and Sixty Four cts. I think the Taxes are very High this season. I shall have to go at some work that will Pay well as I cannot pay my Taxes soon we are expecting some callers at our House this evening The folks of the Country have appointed a singing for Unkle Dan this evening and I dont believe He will attend for He cannot sing much...
Civil War Diaries and Letters